REPORT DATE June 23, 2020
Boston Harbor: Captain Vinny Simeone
No Report
Plymouth: Captain Bob Avila
No Report
Buzzards Bay: Captain Dave Altrich
Big bass to the mid 40" mark this week on the surface plugs at sun up with the SW winds and new moon high tides. Bottom fishing was also steady this week with knuckleheads to 24, however the big fish thinned out a little with the lack of a moving tide mid week. Additional bottom fishing was also good with scup to 2 lbs. Fluke to 23" and a few short tautog in the mix. Starting to see small schools of 3-5 lb. blues move into the bay and the schools should be getting larger in the weeks to come.
Cape Cod Bay: Captain Joe Penta
Striper fishing continues to be tough sledding in the bay. Got into some keeper size bass in the Brewster flats. Other that that fish are still holding onm a Billingsgate. A lot of topwater action but nothingh of size to speak about. Provincetown continues to be a ghost town.
Vineyard Sound: Captain Skip Bandini
Lets get the bad news out of the way Saturday was a bad day of fishing for the Fish Bandit, not all days can be great. All other days have been fantastic with catching Sea Bass to 20+" as we continue to find them as they move from one area to another. All the shoals are still carrying blues and schoolies but not many large fish to date. While bottom fishing for Sea Bass and Scup we have had some luck with fluke this week, nothing to brag about but its great seeing they are in the area. Fishing continues to be great most days.
Nantucket Sound: Captain Jimmy Koutalakis
No Report
General Report: Captain Terry Nugent
Decided to kick it up a notch and tuna fish, we went 3 for 5 on 55" tuna south of Martha's Vineyard on the troll.
Rhode Island, Narragansett Bay: Captain Dan Smith
Hey everyone some things happened in the bay this week so here is a quick update. The Striped Bass have started their move out of the bay and into the cooler waters, there are still some fish up by Providence but with the warm water temps they are starting to become lethargic. There are still some fish to be had around the islands so there is still some hope for local action this week. Finding the pogies in the bay is the challenge but making the run to Providence is still your best bet for bait. I got more whispers of Weakfish this week so my guess is they are still around just slightly deeper. Bluefish are still wreaking havoc in the bay with big blues chomping the tails off of most pogies being thrown. Fluke have started working deeper 40ft was the number I was hearing from most people. Scup fishing has been good off Jamestown and in Newport with some nice 13-15" fish being caught. Black Sea Bass are still around and kicking we are keeping our fingers crossed for the season opener this upcoming week! Block Island has started warming up with some bigger fish finally moving in.